Thursday, September 9, 2010


I haven't posted nearly as often as I planned to, but I have been working on it. I'll probably describe what I figured on design, and problems when I get time. So far I've solved the motor to shaft transfer problem, by modifying someone else's solution, which is probably stronger than theirs, as well as some support problems, which are nearly solved (I ran out of screws before I finished the full x/y assembly today.)

Have a picture of the x/y assembly! It is upside down, and the rails aren't attached yet. You can see some of the odd things I've used, such as the mini clamps to secure the motors, and the vinyl motor to shaft connectors. The block in the lower left was just sitting there to hold the rail down, because the concrete was uneven. The limit switches are in their brackets (easily removable), but I have to adjust the brackets some: the ones in the x/upper, but lower in the picture are too tall, given a mistake I made, so I have to cut the tops off, or grind the top hole out in the L-bracket. (It's just a *tiny* bit too small as it came.) You can also see most of that in the little picture up at the right.

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